Everyone deserves compassion and insight

Besides I love to create professional and customized websites.

About me

Joyce el Boumeshouli

Passionate peer counselor who also lovingly create websites.


When you are struggling with issues, being balanced may seem unachievable, but by gaining insight into patterns of thinking and behavior, much can change.

Open Minded.

By understanding the other, we are also more accepting of ourselves. We can all learn from each other. An open attitude inwardly and outwardly without judgment is what I strive for.

True Connection.

Connecting, going into the depths. In my experience, thinking and acting out of love brings purity in life. Are you open to connecting on a soul level? I certainly am.

Intuitive Thinking.

Focusing on solutions not only produces a more creative brain, but also pleasant outcomes. For me, it equates to heeding intuition. For some, this is like second nature; for others, it may take some training. One thing is for sure: It is for everyone to learn.

Motivational Interviewing.

Guiding through motivational interviewing. My guiding principle is connection. My core values are cooperation, acceptance, compassion and trust.


Website design for everyone.

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Connection is essential for optimal support on the road to and in recovery. In recovery it is important that you remain in control at all times. I coach in recovery based on my own experiences with various problems. I have several years of experience in counseling and use the expertise I gained from a course in Recovery Support and a study to become a Peer Counselor. I enjoy connecting with you.

My motivation.

How beautiful it is to get to know yourself? I think it is a wonderful spiritual process and have already gone through a lot of healing. Rock bottom, mania and everything in between, I am grateful for all I have been able to experience and every step I have taken. Forward or backward: It has made me resilient and one in my duality. It has taught me to be congruent with myself. In short, I have used many skills to get and stay in recovery and I am happy to share this with others.

Psychological Vulnerability.

There are many different diagnoses and some are closely related. Often recognition can be found among each other. sharers. This can offer relief and support. Sometimes also insights, in how another person handles it or deals with it. It can provide understanding for the other but also for yourself. Do you have a need for this? Do not hesitate to get in touch and discuss what is needed for you. I am happy to work with you to see what is conducive to your recovery.


There are many varieties of addiction. Ultimately, it boils down to one thing: You have become a slave to a substance, person, medium, an action or perhaps food. You name it. It may seem endless, but there is always hope. As long as you keep believing that recovery is possible for you, too. This often involves with ups and down. I am happy to stand beside you in this process. Together we can see what is needed to get you back on track and find something to hold on to.


A trauma is an experience in your life that has made a big impression on you and which you have not yet been able to process. You could compare it to an open wound in your soul: You can't see it but you do feel it. It can be intense when you think back to this moment or period. Yet it helps if you talk about a traumatic experience. Talking about it can create space for recognition and understanding. Sharing is healing. Let it be clear that I do not offer therapies or treatments, but it is possible to look together at what next steps you might want to take.


Sometimes spirituality is confused with paranormality. Spirituality is a personal inner experience. The journey of the soul (spirit). It involves a development that the spirit goes through and the attitude to life that you hold. In recovery, it is important to dare to look inward. What is going on inside you? Where are there challenges for you? In this wonderful process, it can be supportive to have someone close by who can help you gain insights and create an overview. Important life questions may arise, or perhaps you are looking for a passion. A way to make certain desires or dreams come true. This offers hope and perhaps a common thread in recovery.

Social Map Alkmaar.

A digital signpost for welfare, health care and social services in the Alkmaar region and surroundings. To contribute and to be able to refer to any help and support needed, I update information on organizations and initiatives where you may find help and support. If you are missing something, have ideas about what should be included or if you are an organization that has something to offer, please feel free to contact me.

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